Kelvin's Blog

Hello! This blog is a collection of articles, essays, and thoughts on diverse areas like machine learning, computational chemistry, software, bains, and society. If you're not interested in all areas, it's best to filter the posts by categories, so you can get articles focused on that topic only.

Dear Ifeoluwa, or the anatomy of sad news.

I live with your dreams and desires, at least the ones you shared with me. Your plan to pursue a masters degree. The business ideas you had and the other tiny things you looked forward to. Top of that list is the fun vacation we planned to take this year.

There Shouldn't be an AI Race

We will also see progress as AI tools are developed and deployed at scale. It is all inspiring, but who does it help in the long run if a certain nation wins this "race"?

There's art in creating software that doesn't scale

You create software that is local, fun, private, and free of commercial exploitation. Software can be like "a home-cooked meal" and something inherently personal.

Less Noise

What I envision for good digital spaces are ones that allow users to curate their experience and are not entirely run by algorithms. Creators should also strive to widen the signal-noise gap.

Goodhart's Law and Designing Good Systems

There's a saying that 'the purpose of a system is what it does.' While many people might agree with that statement, there are certain cases where we have desired outcomes, and it would be unwise to settle for emergent properties that are observed.

In the Fading Light of Prologue

We all live through our prologues, but we never know when the ride ends and turns into an epilogue. Just as John Green wrote, "You die in the middle of your life, in the middle of a sentence."

Beyond the Wall's Gaze

From that vantage point, I had an unintimidating view of Zuma Rock, and I would go up there to watch the sunset in the evening. On idle days, I whiled away the hours trying to synchronize my heartbeat with the pulsing red light atop a radio mast near our apartment

Personal life is a playground for solving optimization problems

It is uncommon to discuss optimization in terms of our daily lives; instead, it is typically reserved for contexts involving large-scale operations, supply chains, technology, or business procedures.

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