Kelvin's Blog

Hello! This blog is a collection of articles, essays, and thoughts on diverse areas like machine learning, computational chemistry, software, brians, and society. If you're not interested in all areas, it's best to filter the posts by categories, so you can get articles focused on that topic only.

Beyond the Wall's Gaze

From that vantage point, I had an unintimidating view of Zuma Rock, and I would go up there to watch the sunset in the evening. On idle days, I whiled away the hours trying to synchronize my heartbeat with the pulsing red light atop a radio mast near our apartment

Personal life is a playground for solving optimization problems

It is uncommon to discuss optimization in terms of our daily lives; instead, it is typically reserved for contexts involving large-scale operations, supply chains, technology, or business procedures.

Involuntary Chants

I've been trying to diagnose a phenomenon that I noticed in myself for a few months. I don't know what to call it, but I'll go with "Involuntary Chants." That might not be a fitting name, but I'll describe it using two instances.

Lessons from Ajegunle-style music in the 90’s

Although their songs had different lyrics, they mostly told a similar Nigerian story, which is also similar to what Fela narrated in his song

Musings of a failed writer

Sometimes I wonder if my high standards for good writing make me give up from the jump because I don’t trust myself to commit to a piece until it’s good enough for my taste.

Toolbox for Serving and Maintaining Machine Learning Models in Production

There are a couple of tools that market themselves as all-in-one MLOps kits. I’ve not used most of them because they are sometimes expensive proprietary software, but they might be ideal for teams looking for tools that are easier to set up and manage.

Dear Anthony, or Can I relive lost times?

There'll never be any new Michael Jackson songs, Jackie Chan will never make a new movie, and the OG online forums no longer exist. You get the point; life is getting bland, and we get our daily high from the random reports of technological progress.

I have a problem with color

In recent months, I've been thinking a lot about the history of the use of color to refer to people. Why we do it and how it began. As a current human, you probably know that races are primarily divided into black, white, and brown.

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