Kelvin's Blog

Hello! This blog is a collection of articles, essays, and thoughts on diverse areas like machine learning, computational chemistry, software, brians, and society. If you're not interested in all areas, it's best to filter the posts by categories, so you can get articles focused on that topic only.

Protecting short-lived thoughts

One of the reasons I highly praise the people who share their thoughts and imaginations is because they took a step to act on those thoughts so they won't be lost forever.

A Critique Of Contemporary Romance

In my opinion, I think this template has become a grand failure, we as a society are primed to have a narrow view of what romantic love is meant to be like, and if it doesn't follow the well-known social patterns, then it's not romantic enough.

The Goalkeeper and the Ball as an Allegory for Maintaining Focus

In order to be an effective goalkeeper, you have to focus on the ball at all times, and forget about the game, the players, everything around you. All your attention should be on the ball, where it’s moving, how it bounces

An Intuitive Introduction to Reinforcement learning

Reinforcement learning (RL) is a trial and error form of learning in which an agent acting in a given environment learns to take optimal actions at every state it encounters in such an environment with the ultimate goal to increase/maximize a numerical reward function.

Should we optimize for enjoyment?

Everything we see now is a result of constant iteration. Creations in science, technology, and art have always relied on an iterative process to make them better. The very fact that I can click a button or tap my screen and get a desirable response is because people have worked on these things for.

Brief Note on Digital Advertising

I saw quite a number of TV commercials and advertisements while growing up, I’m just now starting to realize their effect in hindsight. Good advertisement doesn’t just make you love a product, it makes you strongly desire what it was advertised for.

The problem with physical touch.

Touch confines you to one part of a person’s body at a time, sometimes I want to feel a person wholly, all at once. Physical touch doesn’t allow for this.

What is Enjoyment?

Enjoyment is such an ambiguous word. For someone, it could mean eating a delicious cake, while for another person that might be the norm, like eating breakfast cereal.

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